Two Men Found Guilty Of Murdering Late English Footballer Cody Fisher In Crane Nightclub


Two men have been convicted of murdering Cody Fisher, a former player of Bromsgrove Sporting, who was stabbed to death on a nightclub dance floor in Birmingham.

Fisher had been in a crowded bar on Christmas Eve in 2022 when he nudged into Remy Gordon’s back as he exited the building.

Gordon then planned an act of “awful revenge” for the minor incident that occurred by subsequently messaging his friends and requesting help in ending the life of Cody Fisher.

The killer then proceeded to the Crane nightclub two days later and that was when Cody was stabbed in the chest – puncturing his heart.

Remy Gordon, 23, and Kami Carpenter, 22, have been convicted of murder on Monday, March 25, following a trial at Birmingham Crown Court.

Jurors heard how Cody was stabbed in a planned act of revenge after he made an “unavoidable” contact with one of his killers.

It is understood that the initial act that infuriated Gordon had been with his friends at the Popworld club in Solihull, which was said to be “packed” that night.

What resulted to the death of Cody Fisher?

Cody Fisher and his friends were making their way towards the exit through a crowd of revelers that included Remy Gordon.

Prosecutor Michael Duck KC recounted the incident saying: 

“There was a brief contact between Cody Fisher and Remy Gordon’s back it seems.

“Cody Fisher, it seems, did little more than touch Remy Gordon’s back. Remy Gordon was looking for an argument with somebody.”

The court was informed that Gordon challenged the former Birmingham City academy man, who opted not to apologize as he had done “nothing wrong”.

Cody Fisher exited the club, unaware he was heading towards his unfortunate end, due to the illicit plans of Remy Gordon.

Prosecutor Duke KC added: “The strength of Gordon’s resentment can be gleaned from messages sent within about 50 minutes of the encounter in Popworld.

“He felt rather embarrassed and frustrated that he had been unable to intimidate a member of the public.”

The court was told Remy Gordon had phoned someone after Cody was stabbed and he was apparently boasting that he had killed the footballer.

Gordon was also seen in CCTV footage smiling after the incident had occurred re-enacting the punches and kicks from the battle.

During testimony, Gordon admitted he had kicked Cody Fisher while he was on the ground but claimed he didn’t know the footballer had been stabbed.

Who stabbed Fisher?

The court was informed Carpenter, who had knives in his company during the said day had confessed to the stabbing but later denied the earlier admittance comments.

Remy Gordon and Kami Carpenter have been put in confinement, and they are expected to be sentenced at a later date.

Reegan Anderson, 19, who also went to the club alongside Carpenter and Gordon was found not guilty of murder, but guilty of affray – fighting in public.

Meanwhile, Cody Fisher was a former Birmingham City academy player, who also played for lower-tier English league sides; Stratford Town and Bromsgrove Sporting.

Detective Inspector Michelle Thurgood, who led the investigation, expressed that the tragedy of the unfortunate incident was just how insignificant the motive was.

He also said: “It’s the kind of thing that most right-minded people would have just ignored and moved on, but Remy Gordon, for reasons only he can explain, took real exception to this.

“It was a chance brushing together of two men who did not know each other and had no reason to fall out.”

Michelle added that the death of Cody Fisher has had a “catastrophic impact on his family and friends.”


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