Tottenham Hotspur Davison Sanchez is enjoying Coronavirus lockdown with his girlfriend Daniela Reina

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images 2020 04 09T140401.012

As the suspension of football activities continue to flourish, football stars have been using the break to enjoy the best moments of their lives even though it is in quarantine. Tottenham Hotspur defender, Davison Sanchez has decided to enjoy coronavirus lockdown with his beautiful wife Daniela Reina. The duo got married back in 2018 after the defender landed a massive contract with Tottenham Hotspurs.

The era of coronavirus lockdown is a perfect moment for footballers who have wife or kids, a beautiful time to spend more time with the people they share a great bond with. There is surely no doubt that when the coronavirus comes to an end, football activities will never experience such a break anymore.

The Columbian national never misses any rate opportunity he got to flaunt the picture of his beautiful wife to feed the sight of his over 600k fans on Instagram. Tottenham Hotspur bought the Columbian national from Ajax in 2017 for a fee worth about £40m. His new contract with Tottenham Hotspurs nets him a whopping sum of about £3.1 million per annum. Reasonably, the 23-year-old player earns about £62,382 on a weekly basis which makes him one of the big earners in the club.

His strength on the field of play is second to none, little wonder, he was able to earn himself a perfect spot in Jose Mourinho’s team. The Portuguese manager is popular for his passion for a strong and agile player. Mourinho believes so much in the individual strength and agility of players than the combined ability of the team.

This explains the reason why footballers with enormous strength often find a place in any team that is managed by Jose Mourinho.

Davison started his professional career with parent country Columbia playing professionally for Atlético Nacional he was in the club between 2013 to 2016. Thereafter he joined the Netherlands top club Ajax in 2016 for a fee of £5 million before he made his way to Premier League in 2017 after he joined Tottenham Hotspur.


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