Joey Barton told court in London that he didn’t assault his wife,Georgia


Former Manchester City midfielder, Joey Barton has told the Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court in southwest London that he did not assault his wife, Georgia. The retired footballer pleaded not guilty earlier today, July 26, 2021, to the assault charge against him.

During the weekend, a police statement revealed that Joey Barton who is the coach of Championship side, Bristol Rovers assaulted his 35-year-old wife on June 2, 2021, by beating her.

According to the reading of the court on Monday, Joey Barton allegedly grabbed the throat of Georgia before he kicked her in the head during an altercation outside a residential property in Kew, south-west London, where they had been with two unnamed friends.

The encounter left the British woman with a bloody nose and a head injury according to reports in the United Kingdom.

Shortly, Georgia called the police and asked them to remove her husband from the property which they did. The ex-footballer was arrested and detained before he was released.

Afterward, the police commenced an investigation into the incident before the retired footballer was charged with assault.

The hearing was carried out via a video conference call. According to reports, Joey Barton wore a t-shirt and shorts during the virtual court hearing.

Aside from pleading not guilty, Joey Barton was only permitted to confirm his name, date of birth, and address during the hearing. Afterward, the court granted him unconditional bail.

The trial will commence on December 16, 2021, at Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court. Before then, a case management hearing will be held on November 17, 2021.

Joey Barton told court in UK that he didn't assault his wife,Georgia
Joey Barton and his wife, Georgia.

Before the court hearing on Monday, Joey Barton’s wife, Georgia who is the victim of the assault, took to Instagram to insist that her husband is not a violent person.

Georgia who has two children for Barton – a son, Cassius, born on December 28, 2021, and a daughter, Pieta, born on June 6, 2014, said her husband did not assault her. She also insisted that she was not the way that accused her husband of being violent.

She wrote: “Whilst I wouldn’t normally comment on private matters before the rumor mill goes into overdrive I’d like to make it clear there is absolutely no accusation by myself or anyone else that joe has been violent or physical towards me. We consider this a private matter and will be making no further comment.”


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