Benjamin Mendy Says He Was Shocked For Being Arrested For Rape


Manchester City defender Benjamin Mendy has told the police that he was shocked for being arrested and charged for rape.

Benjamin Mendy Says he was shocked

Mendy told cops he was shocked at arrest for raping woman’ and said ‘I didn’t try to stop her leaving’ mansion

Mendy, 28, was interviewed by police multiple times in relation to a number of rape and sexual assault allegations, Chester Crown Court was told

The Manchester City player’s ongoing trial sees him charged along with his co accused Louis Saha Matturie with multiple rapes and sex assaults

The Premier League footballer and his friend and ‘fixer’ Louis Saha Matturie, 41, deny all charges at their trial, now in its 12th week.

The footballer gave a number of prepared statements to detectives followed by “no comment” interviews on instruction by his solicitor, the court heard.

Timothy Cray KC, prosecuting, read the prepared statement Mendy gave in relation to the first of the young women he is alleged to have raped.

The woman, aged 24, claims Mendy raped her three times at his home in Mottram St Andrew, Cheshire, in October 2020.

Mendy said in the statement he had been out for a few drinks to a bar with Matturie and others in Alderley Edge near his home and met some girls who were invited back to his house.

While there, he saw one girl using her phone, which visitors had been instructed not to do, to video his home.

Mendy told police: “I asked her to delete the video. She gave me her phone and I deleted it.

“As I did so a photo of her with no clothes on came up on screen. She said she had more photos of her like that and we agreed to go upstairs to my bedroom so she could show me more.”

In his bedroom Mendy said she showed him more naked photos and took her top off and they started kissing.

Mendy said the woman gave him oral sex and agreed they would “play around” but she did not want to go any further.

Later she left with another girl and he ended up having sex with one of the 24-year-old’s friends from the bar, who stayed the night in his bed.

He told detectives: “I’m shocked to be accused of rape and false imprisonment. All sexual activity between me and her was completely consensual.

“I did nothing to prevent her from leaving.”


Mendy gave a further three prepared statements to police in relation to separate women he had allegedly raped where he told detectives the sex was consensual.

He denied seven counts of rape, one count of attempted rape and one count of sexual assault against six young women.

Matturie, of Salford, denied six counts of rape and three counts of sexual assault relating to seven young women.

Both men say if any sex did take place with women or girls it was consensual.

None of the women involved, as sexual assault complainants, can be identified.

Benjamin Mendy and Louis Saha Matturie have been in a legal tussle as they battle to clear their names for rape charges from a number of women.

This is the 12th week since the trial began, with Benjamin Mendy and his co-accused facing the likelihood of of a prison sentence if found guilty.


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