PFA joins Premier League managers to ask for 5-substitutions


The Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) has joined forces with the Premier League managers that are advocating for the reintroduction of the 5-substitutions per-game.

The coronavirus pandemic which halted football in the Premier League in March 2020, forced the 2020-2021 season to be subjected to congested fixtures which are said to be affecting footballers’ wellbeing.

Hence, some top managers in the league including Liverpool’s Jurgen Klopp, Manchester City’s Pep Guardiola, Arsenal’s Mikel Arteta, Tottenham’s Jose Mourinho, and a couple of others, have been urging the Premier League to re-introduce the 5-substitutions per team.

This system was first introduced in the Premier League in June before the Premier League returned from the three months coronavirus induced break. When the system was in operation, some managers coaching mid-table clubs advocated against the policy saying that it favored the clubs with big squads.

PFA joins Premier League managers to ask for 5-substitutions
Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp and Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola.

One of the coaches that spoke against the system then was West Ham manager David Moyes. But in a recent interview, the Scotland tactician has insisted that he now sees the importance of having the option of making 5-substitutions per-match.

He revealed that he has recommended to the board of the club that whenever the issue is put up to vote, West Ham should vote in favor of 5-substitutions per-match.

“I’ve got to say, my mind has changed now is because of player welfare,” David Moyes said.

“I don’t think I expected so many injuries. So many games in such a small period, whether it be that you’re an international player or in the Champions League or the Europa League, has meant that the program has been so congested.

“There have been no parties willing to give up any games, whether it be the Carabao Cup or any other cup competition. Nobody has been willing to give anything up.

“That’s why now I would consider the change if it was there, that we could have more subs.”

While a statement from the PFA says: “We told the Premier League we would support such a move on health and safety grounds for our members before the first vote and our position has not changed.”

Before now, the Premier League has allowed Premier League clubs to vote for or against the 5-substitutions per-match system and the majority voted against it on two different occasions. The last time the clubs had the opportunity to vote, only 11 clubs voted in favor of the system which was not enough to make it a law.

Now that the PFA has added a voice to it and more managers are backing it, the next step clubs can take is to write a proposal to the Premier League for the system to be re-introduced.

Afterward, the proposal will be subjected to voting again. If at least 14 clubs vote in favor of the system, it will become law and clubs will have the opportunity to make 5-substitutions per-game instead of 3-substitutions.


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