Mesut Ozil and Arsenal: Mikel Arteta says he has tried his best


The battle between Mesut Ozil and Arsenal seems as good as over but the German footballer has not relented in the fight to at least complete his contract with the club before he leaves for free. The coach of the club, Mikel Arteta, who has not played Ozil since June 2020 has stressed that he has tried his best for the former German international.

Mesut Ozil’s contract with Arsenal will expire in June 2021 but the Premier League club has been trying as much as possible to let him go before then. The effort of the London based club to release Ozil has not yielded much as the midfielder prefers to remain at the club even though he does no longer have an opportunity to play.

It became so obvious that the 32-year-old attacking midfielder is not wanted at Arsenal when the club did not include his name in the club’s Premier League and Europa League squad for the 2020-2021 season.

“This is a difficult message to write to the Arsenal fans that I’ve played for over the past few years. I’m deeply disappointed by the fact that I have not been registered for the Premier League season for the time being,” Ozil posted on social media to react to being left out of Arsenal’s Premier League squad.

“Upon signing my new contract in 2018, I pledged my loyalty and allegiance to the club that I love, Arsenal, and it saddens me that this has not been reciprocated. As I have just found out, loyalty is hard to come by nowadays.”

Mesut Ozil and Arsenal: Mikel Arteta says he has tried his best
Mesut Ozil and Mikel Arteta

Even though Mesut Ozil has been left on the bench for over 6 months and not included in Arsenal’s Premier League squad with less than a season left on his contract with the club, Mikel Arteta stressed that the club has treated the FIFA World Cup winner with respect.

Contrary to the agent of the football star, Dr. Erkut Sogut who said Arsenal has not treated Ozil fairly, Arteta insisted that he as a manager of the club has treated the player fairly enough and has given him enough opportunities but the player failed to take advantage of them.

The Spanish tactician stressed that the decision to drop Mesut Ozil from his squad was taken for the good of the team.

“What I can tell you that I tried my best, I tried to give him as many opportunities as I could,” the Arsenal boss told Sky Sports.

“And that from my side, I’ve been patient, given his opportunities and been fair.

“He’s a player that belongs to a football club, he’s been a really important player in the last few seasons. I have to respect that, I’m here to make decisions, the best decisions for the team and the club.

“This is what I try to do and then I have to explain to them because people need the reasons and the right answers. I just give mine, whether they believe me or agree with me or not, there’s nothing I can do.

“But I have to put my decisions, with my heart and with my brain to make the right decisions that I believe are good.”


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