Ligue 1 Football Star Apologises for Masturbating in Public

Farid El Melali Sport24 e1588784626804
Farid El Melali Sport24 e1588784626804

Farid El Melali who plays for French Ligue 1 club Angers and arrested recently for sexual exhibition has apologised for publicly masturbating. reported that El Melali went out of control on Monday night and decided to look through the window of a woman who lives close to his residence. The Algeria national footballer didn’t just look, he decided to bring out his manhood and began to masturbate.

The neighbours of the woman who saw him while carrying out such an act in public decided to call the police to inform them that a man was masturbating publicly while looking through a woman’s window.

The 22-year-old footballer was arrested later that night and charged to court for sexual exhibition. All things being equal, the trial of the football star is expected to commence this summer.

If found guilty, El Melali could face up to a year jail term and pay a fine worth over €15,000. But since he has already accepted that he committed the crime, he might attract lesser punishment and the trial might be speedy.

Though his lawyer, Sandra Chirac Kollarik said his client was “not targeting anyone, nor was he aggressive”, the fact that the local police have proof that the incident that happened on Monday night wasn’t his first, could attract the full wrath of the law.

Farid El Melali has been having it very hard

Farid El Melali
Farid El Melali

In what looks like a damage control effort, El Melali took to Instagram to write about how the incident has affected him mentally and physically.

The football star wrote about how difficult it has been to cope with criticism and judgement via his Instagram story, urging his family, club, fans and country to forgive him.

“These last few days have been very hard — mentally and physically,” he wrote. “Coping with criticism and judgement is tough. I understand that those who received the information cannot tolerate such behaviour.

“I want to apologise to my family, my friends and the fans of my dear club Angers, as well as my fellow Algerians.

“Everything that happened has affected me, but it has also made me stronger and more aware of the values and principles that I must uphold. Thank you to everybody who has stuck with me during this rough time.”

The Algerian has made himself a useful player at Angers as he was just offered a contract extension this Month which will keep him at the club until 2023. However, it is yet to be seen whether the court case will force the club to terminate the contract.


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