Gylfi Sigurðsson was reportedly released on bail while his wife, Alexandra Ivarsdottir is in Iceland


The child sex offense scandal that broke out in the Premier League last weekend is still a mystery but the unnamed offender is still strongly suspected to be Gylfi Sigurðsson.

At the time of publishing this report, no official source in the United Kingdom or Iceland, Sigurðsson’s country, has named him nor any other Premier League player as the child sex offender. However, most reports concerning the case point to him.

Recall that when the news about the child sex offense broke out earlier in the week, Gylfi Sigurðsson’s club, Everton, stated that a player of the club has been suspended due to an ongoing police investigation.

Just like a police statement which says a 31-year-old man has been arrested and detained for a child sex offense failed to mention the name of the offender, Everton did not also mention the name of the player that was suspended.

Yet, it was believed that Sigurðsson who is a 31-year-old football star from Iceland was the unnamed offender. At the peak of the speculation, his wife, Alexandra Ivarsdottir reportedly came out to insist that her husband was not arrested nor detained for a child sex offense.

However, Alexandra who won the most beautiful girl in Iceland pageant in 2008 and represented her country in Miss World that same year, had to deactivate her Instagram page in reaction to the trolls she was getting due to the scandal.

Gylfi Sigurðsson and his wife, Alexandra Ivarsdottir during their wedding ceremony.
Gylfi Sigurðsson and his wife, Alexandra Ivarsdottir during their wedding ceremony.

Since the police statement said the man that was arrested was 31-year-old, Gylfi Sigurðsson was not the only player suspected to be the sex offender as there are two players at Everton that are 31-year-old. Hence, Fabian Delph was dragged into the picture.

Just like Gylfi Sigurðsson, Delph did not make any statement concerning it. The only statement related to him was that Everton announced he would not travel with them to the United States for a pre-season tour because he came in contact with a person that tested positive for coronavirus.

In the midst of that, Fréttablaðið, an Icelandic publication was quoted by another Icelandic publication, Grapevine, that Gylfi Sigurðsson was the Premier League player that was arrested in the UK for the child sex offense.

The publication went on to reveal that the player who was arrested on July 16, has been released on bail. It was also reported that Gylfi Sigurðsson was currently in a house Everton provided for him after his release which means that he did not go straight to his house afterward.

Also, the publication claimed that Sigurðsson’s fiancee Alexandra Ivarsdottir who is heavily pregnant decided to stay back in Iceland where she is being taken care of by her family. While her fiance is being looked after by family friends in the UK.

A report by the Sun claimed that the Premier League player who was arrested for the child sex offense has reportedly denied the allegation against him. Also, a source close to Everton told Daily Mail that the news of the scandal sent shock waves through the club and the players are hoping that it would turn out to be a mix-up.

Though the Premier League player in question is still being investigated by the police, Gylfi Sigurðsson who has not been confirmed to be the offender has already started losing endorsement deals.

Grapevine reported that immediately the scandal was linked to Sigurðsson, a chain of grocery stores in Iceland replaced posters of the footballer used to advertise an energy drink.

Please note that at the time of publishing this report, there was yet to be an official update from Everton, the police, or any other official body concerning the child sex scandal.


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