Newcastle United could not train because of the high number of confirmed Coronavirus cases


Newcastle United were not able to train on Monday because 6 members of the Premier League squad tested positive for the dreaded coronavirus. They might also miss Tuesday’s training if more members of the team test positive for the virus.

Newcastle United ought to have kicked off training earlier in preparation for the club’s 11th Premier League match of the season against Aston Villa. The match is scheduled to take place on Friday, December 4, 2020, at 21:00.

As it stands, the match is being threatened if the club continues to return more coronavirus positive test results. Or it might affect their training schedule ahead of the match which will be an advantage to their Friday’s opponent, Aston Villa.

Newcastle United won their last Premier League match 0-2 away against Crystal Palace on November 27, 2020. They are currently sitting on the 13th spot on the league table with 14 points in 10 league games.

Newcastle United players.

The report that the club was not able to train on Monday because of the high number of confirmed coronavirus cases at the club, came alongside the report that the Premier League recorded 10 confirmed cases of the virus this week. The 10 confirmed cases of the virus were gotten from the coronavirus test conducted on 1,381 players and club staff members during the week.

This latest figure of confirmed cases showed that the number of confirmed cases increased from 8 last week to 10 this week even though the players and members of staff operate under a strictly controlled environment.

The league statement read: “The Premier League can today confirm that between Monday 23 November and Sunday 29 November, 1,381 players and club staff were tested for Covid-19. Of these, there were 10 new positive tests.

“Players or club staff who have tested positive will self-isolate for 10 days.

“The Premier League is providing this aggregated information for competition integrity and transparency. No specific details as to clubs or individuals will be provided by the League and results will be made public after each round of testing.”

The report on the number of the new confirmed cases in the league came days after the government of the United Kingdom grouped football stadiums in the country into tiers. No Premier League nor EFL club fell under tier one which has the right to host not more than 4,000 spectators during live games. However, about 11 Premier League clubs were categorized under tier 2 which has the right to host not more than 2000 spectators.


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