German Ruffians Disguised As England Fans Attacked Pub With Machetes’ And Knuckle dusters (WATCH)


German Ruffians dressed as England fans stormed a pub near Wembley Stadium “equipped with machetes and knuckle dusters” ahead of Monday night Nations League match.

German Ruffians Disguised As England Fans Attacked Pub With Machetes' And Knuckle dusters (WATCH)
German Ruffians attacked PUB in Wembley.

Just before 6 o’clock local time, nasty scenes broke out at the Green Man, a popular family hangout, as police struggled to keep rival fans away.

Unsettling footage captured English fans drinking before the game at the England supporters pub before the men in all-black muscle their way into the beer garden.

Police said that several of the Germans disguised themselves before striking unwitting spectators by donning England hats and scarves.

Five more individuals are being treated at hospitals for “severe” injuries, while four others have already been arrested.

Witnesses described how frightened they were when the mobs attacked.

On Twitter, one user stated: “Just having a few casual pints in the green man and all of a sudden 100 German come storming in, armed with weapons, attacking kids and elderly women.”

One more said: “Not a pretty sight at the Green Man, England fans enjoying themselves as usual, approx 100 German hooded, masked hooligans ambushed a family pub, people injured, police on horses arrive.

“Flags stolen. Children in the garden too frightened. Scary.”

Added a third: “An experience tonight like no other, and not because of where I am.”

“At The Green Man pub, a group of around 100 Germans came armed with machetes and knuckle dusters.

“Thankfully me and my friends were inside but I hope all who were outside at the time are safe now.”

Another asserted: “Prior to tonight’s England game, my younger brother was at Wembley’s Green Man Pub.

“Loads of German ultras attacked the pub. A fan of England was glassed.”

German Ruffians Disguised As England Fans Attacked Pub With Machetes' And Knuckle dusters (WATCH)
German Ruffians attacked PUB in Wembley.

“One of the German fans got left behind and took a right beating apparently. Needed treatment.”

Last night, England and Germany competed in the UEFA Nations League competition.

After a late German equalizer wiped out an England penalty, the game ended 3-3.

It was more or less England’s preparation match before the World Cup in Qatar, which begins in November. Note that due to England’s abysmal performance in the competition this season, the Three Lions have been relegated to the tier two of the league.

A Met Police spokesperson said: “At 17:50hrs on Monday, 26 September a group of approximately 100 males, many wearing masks, approached a pub in Dagmar Avenue, Wembley through an alley leading towards the car park.

“While a number of the group were wearing England hats and scarves, it is believed they were German ‘fans’.

“The group entered the beer garden of the pub and began assaulting customers, most of whom were in the area to attend the England vs Germany match.

“Punches and projectiles including traffic cones were thrown. Officers responded and the group fled.

“The disorder lasted for around two minutes. A number of people sustained head and facial injuries.

“We are also aware of three people with serious leg, wrist and thumb injuries.

“None of those injured are believed to be in a life-threatening condition.

“There have been four arrests so far in relation to the disorder.”

A London Ambulance Service spokesperson said: “We were called at 5.59pm today (Monday) to reports of an incident in Dagmar Avenue, Wembley.”

What happened after the German Ruffians attacked?

Prior to England’s penultimate game before they travel to the World Cup finals in Qatar, video showed the Green Man, a pub located around half a mile from the national stadium, being stormed.

Before and after riot vehicles arrived with images taken on mobile phones of the attackers, who were estimated to number around 50, being chased away, police on horseback arrived to restore order. Before games, English fans frequent the tavern, which offers drinkers a view of the stadium.

German Ruffians Disguised As England Fans Attacked Pub With Machetes' And Knuckle dusters (WATCH)

Children were at the pub with their parents, according to witnesses. A police report confirmed that some fans were left injured and are currently undergoing treatment. Also, at least four arrests have been made in connection with the incident.


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