Luke Shaw of Man United rates Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s impact on his career above Jose Mourinho’s


Manchester United defender Luke Shaw says he has improved more as a player under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer than under the former coach of the club who is assumed to be Jose Mourinho.

Luke Shaw was brought to Manchester United from Southampton in July 2014 for a transfer fee worth €37.50 million. Since he arrived at the club, he has played under three coaches, Louis Van Gaal, Jose Mourinho, and now Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

Under Louis Van Gaal, Luke Shaw played for Manchester United in the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 seasons. In those two seasons, Luke Shaw who was still a youngster then made 28 appearances in which he provided just an assist.

Under Jose Mourinho between the 2016-2017 and 2018-2019 seasons, the game time of the 25-year-old English left-back improved to the extent he was able to record 55 appearances in which he scored a goal and provided three assists.

Luke Shaw and Jose Mourinho during the time of the Portuguese coach at United.
Luke Shaw and Jose Mourinho during the time of the Portuguese coach at United.

But since Ole Gunnar Solskjaer took over from Jose Mourinho in 2019, Luke Shaw has become more consistent at Manchester United. Within two seasons, the England international played 92 times, scored two goals, and provided 13 assists.

This season has been arguably Shaw’s best time at Manchester United. The 25-year-old left-back has played 25 times in the Premier League in which he scored a goal and provided 5 assists. In all competitions this season, the England international has played 36 times, scoring a goal and provided 6 assists.

While speaking to Sky Sports recently, Luke Shaw attributed his progress to the man-management skill of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. The England international says the Norwegian tactician deals with situations perfectly.

Luke Shaw said: “His man-management is second to none. The way he conducts himself in terms of how he speaks to the players gets the best out of them. You can see that. He deals with situations perfectly in terms of what is needed, especially at a big club like Manchester United.

“He takes the pressure off the lads and takes it all himself. Sometimes it is not fair because we are the ones on the pitch and we need to take our fair share too. For me, especially, from what I had before Ole came in, it is a total difference. It has pushed me to a new level.”

On his earlier days at Manchester United, Shaw noted: “I don’t want to come across like I was a little kid who could not deal with being put under pressure because at a big club like Manchester United you are always going to be under pressure and under the spotlight. That makes you mentally stronger.

“But I had no confidence at that time. I was losing my belief. I think that is what changed with Ole. He managed me right and I got my confidence back and I am really enjoying it at the moment.

“Enjoyment and confidence. For me, they are the two biggest things you need on the pitch. You need that belief in your ability to perform at the highest level. I feel I have that now.”


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