Dele Alli suspended for Man U clash due to alleged racist video



    Tottenham midfielder, Dele Alli, will be out of Manchester United clash through suspension after he was given a one gan ban by the FA over a social media post.

    Apart from missing the Premier League that returns next week after coronavirus hiatus, the FA also fined the 24-year-old £50,000 and ordered him to undertake a face-to-face education course because he breached A Rule E3.

    Recall that Dele mocked an Asian man in a Snapchat video posted on his account in February, joking about the coronavirus outbreak.

    In a statement released on the club’s website, the midfielder apologized again for any offense caused by his behaviour.

    He said it was due to an extremely poorly judged joke about a virus that has now affected the world.

    “I’m grateful that The FA has confirmed that my actions were not racist because I despise racism of any kind. We all need to be mindful of the words and actions we use and how others can perceive them.”

    Dele had issued an apology in February and removed the video, saying it is not something that should be joked about, and he let himself and the club down.

    It could be recalled that the England international also got the support of his coach, Jose Mourinho, for showing what he described as remarkable humility in his apology, adding that Dele is not connected with racism or disrespect for anybody or race.

    The FA in a statement on its website today as well said Dele denied that the post breached FA Rule E3(1), “as it was insulting and/or improper and/or brought the game into disrepute, and constituted an “Aggravated Breach.” But it said it included a reference, whether express or implied, to race and/or colour and/or ethnic origin and/or nationality.

    How FA decided to suspend Dele Alli

    The FA made the decision after a video hearing was held on Monday. According to the FA, Dele deliberately targeted the man because of his Asian appearance, saying the act is consistent with a racial stereotyping of Asians being connected with coronavirus. Dele, however, argued the joke was aimed at himself, and the man’s ethnicity was “irrelevant.”

    In their assessment, the Commission agreed with the FA that the video was not racist, but it was shared “without sufficient thought,” which is an “unacceptable racist stereotype” in a misguided attempt at humour.


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